Award-winning artist and designer, Juli Bolaños-Durman, has created a series of illustrations & activities to encourage children and adults too 🙂 to stay creative indoors over the coming weeks.
‘In this day and age we are constantly reminded of the urgency to be productive, where the notion “time is money” is always upon us like a heavy gorilla on our shoulders. The pandemic we are now experiencing has instead shown us the importance of connecting in this revitalising sacred space where we can self-regulate and heal from a place of joy.
I’m hoping this project is a small way to keep families occupied and creative during this time. It’s great to share this simple tool with the community and I look forward to seeing everyone’s response.
And why not, share your responses on Instagram using the hashtag #StayCreative and tagging us @julibd_com
So just choose which drawing you want to print, download or trace below and join Juli in staying creative!
1) Choose which drawing you want to Print, Trace or Download.
2) The file will open in a New Tab on your browser. Click FILE —> PRINT or SAVE PAGE AS to save to your desktop.
What if you DON’T have a printer? No Problem! Check how you can trace it, see how I did it here.
3) Colour in using any art materials you have at home.
4) Share online using #StayCreative and tag us @julibd_com!
We would LOVE to see ;)
23 April 2020
So, Happy Earth Day! Let's choose to be more resourceful, imaginative & kind to our planet 🌈 🌍 ❤️
Esta semana voy a lanzar mi proyecto más reciente de #StayCreative- Mantengámonos creativos durante la pandemia usando materiales que tenemos a mano, en este caso, materiales de nuestra casa que van para el reciclaje♻️
¿Quién se podría imaginar que una caja de cereal se podría ver tan vacilona y convertirse en un símbolo de esperanza?
Monté un video de cómo hacer este Arco Iris en 3D usando una caja de cereal, 2 cartones del papel higiénico y una pinturas.
Con este ejercicio los quiero invitar a re-utilizar el material de deshecho de nuestra casa para darle una segunda oportunidad y transformarlo en algo nuevo.
Celebremos el Día del Planeta cuestionando cuales son nuestros hábitos de consumo y ¡Cómo podemos ser parte de una economía circular, qué consume menos y no desperdicia nada! ♻️🙂❣️