Whale Ballena-From the 'Little Animals' Collection
Crocodile Cocodrilo -From the 'Little Animals' Collection
Bear Oso -From the 'Little Animals' Collection
Octopus Pulpo -From the 'Little Animals' Collection
Owl Búho -From the 'Little Animals' Collection
Rhino Rinoceronte -From the 'Little Animals' Collection
Giraffe Jirafa-From the 'Little Animals' Collection
Title: “Little Animals” 2nd Collection
Inspiration: This twelve piece collection was developed by a reflective dialogue between the materials and myself. The product of this interaction created raw concept pieces that were put together intuitively by exploring the different mediums. When a colorful glass panel shattered by mistake, I observed the new forms created and started to sketch what I thought they looked like. This is how this Collection of 6 Little Animals came to life.
Medium: Fused Glass with illustration.
Framed dimensions: 15 cm x 20 cm
Photography: Agustín Fallas
City / Year: San José, Costa Rica / 2010
Rhino Rinoceronte -From the 'Little Animals' Collection